Media Appearances and Inquiries
I have been interviewed on major news outlets internationally, including prime time national television shows and the back cover of El País global newspaper. See a partial list below.
For media inquiries please contact me directly.

Partial list of media appearances
- La Vanguardia, La Provincia, Radio Televisión Canaria, and AtlanticoHoy (Spain). Media coverage of my keynote address kicking off the 2023 Ecoislas Forum in the Canary Islands.
- The Rational Middle (Documentary film). Interviewed as leading Circular Economy expert along with other leaders in the field.
- Cadena SER Radio (Spain). Highlights from my keynote address in an event with the Minister of Industry and Tourism and the President of the Government of the Canary Islands.
- Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) RN Breakfast National Radio Show. Panel discussion on whether Australia can become plastic-free by 2040
- El Semanal XL (Spain). Feature interview in ABC Sunday Magazine and 27 regional newspapers on plastic pollution. Photos by Adrián Ruiz Hierro.
- Cadena COPE Radio (Spain) Feature interview discussing plastic pollution and the circular economy.
- Onda Cero Radio (Spain) Feature interview discussing plastic pollution and the shortcomings of plastic recycling (starts on minute 18)
- El Correo (Spain) Highlights from my keynote address at Turium Forum 2022. Online and print
- El País Semanal (Spain) Feature interview in El País Sunday Magazine showcasing my career and personal journey. Photos by Daniel Ochoa de Olza. Online and print
- El Confidencial (Spain) (Author) My Op-Ed discussing misconceptions in circular economic policy
- Afina tus Finanzas Poscast (Spain) Interview discussing the emerging field of Circular Finance
- Última Frontera Podcast (Costa Rica) Interview discussing challenges and opportunities in the Circular Economy
- Daily Mail (United Kingdom) Article mentioning my work on the documentary film Albatross. In English
. 2021
- Ethic (Spain) (Author) My Op-Ed discussing economic opportunities in the Circular Economy for Spain
- La Vanguardia (Spain) extensively quoted as an expert on the Circular Economy
- NTV (National Television, Turkey) mentioning my keynote address at the New Plastic Economy Conference in Istanbul, Turkey
- Fortune (Turkey) mentioning my keynote address at the New Plastic Economy Conference in Istanbul, Turkey
- Revista Ekos Negocios (Ecuador) Interview about the relevance of the Circular Economy
- El Telégrafo (Ecuador) Interview discussing Ecuador’s opportunities in the Circular Economy
- Stories for the Sea (USA -hardcover book) Featured for my plastic pollution work in Midway Atoll
- GreenBiz (USA) About single-use plastic elimination at the workplace
- PanLex Blog (USA, The Long Now Foundation) (Author) Op-Ed on climate refugees and language diversity.
- El Economista (Spain) Interview discussing economic opportunities around the Circular Economy
- Noticias Telemundo (USA – NBC Universal) Interview for Planeta Tierra segment.
- Radio Fórmula QR (Mexico) Interview and article on microplastic studies in Mexico
- Latinx America Interview on my Social Entrepreneurship work.
- Diario Libre (USA, in Spanish) About my work on Albatross Midway Atoll
- Documentary Film “Material of the Future” (USA) Narrated by Alec Baldwin. Interview.
- Houston Chronicle (USA) Article about plastic pollution
- The Sun (UK) mentioning about my work in the movie Albatross
- Maclean’s (Canada) mentioning my innovation work around plastic pollution
- Natura Hoy (Spain) Article on the movie Albatross.
- El Correo (Spain) Article on plastic waste and the myths of recycling
- Diario Sur. (Spain) Quoted in article on the myths of plastic recycling .
- Ladera Sur (Spain) Article on the plight of the albatross and the making of the movie.
- Las Provinvcias (Spain) Article on plastic pollution and ineffective recycling.
- La Sexta TV (Spain) Featured in investigative segment on plastic pollution
- Noticias de la Ciencia (Spain) On the scientific studies on my work carried out by Dr. Castello and Dr. Barberá.
- Yorokubu Magazine (Spain). Reflections about plastic free living and the falacies of “recycling”.
. December 2014.
- La 2 de RTVE (National Public TV, Spain). Interview. El Escarabajo Verde (main environmental show). “Plastificados”
. September 2013.
- KPFA Radio (Berkeley, California -and sister stations in Fresno, Los Angeles, New York, Houston, & Washington, DC, USA). Visionary Activist Show with Caroline Casey. Interview. In English.
September 2013.
- La 2 de RTVE (National Public TV, Spain). El Escarabajo Verde (main environmental show). Interview about El Plastico Mata and Midway.
. Minutes 17 through 23 . June 2013.
- Ensia (USA) (Magazine by the Institute on The Environment at the University of Minnesota). Interview and video on plastic pollution and Midway. In English
June 2012.
- Onda Cero Radio Interview by Isabel Gemio on Plastic Pollution
. March 2013.
- Informativos Telecinco (& Norte de Castilla TV Spain). National TV afternoon and evening news
. March 2013.
- El País. Contraportada/Desayuno con. Backcover interview, main newspaper in Spanish language.
. March 2013.
- El Blog de Roge. Blog by Roge Blasco, Basque Public Radio presenter. About me and my work at large.
. February 2013.
- Ambientum. (Spain, Green Biz news magazine). Interview about ElPlásticomata and Midway.
. February 2013.
- Radio Euskadi. (Spain, Basque Public Radio). Interview about ElPlásticomata and Midway.
. February 2013.
- KPFA Radio (Berkeley, California -and sister stations in Fresno, Los Angeles, New York, Houston, & Washington, DC, USA). Visionary Activist Show with Caroline Casey. Interview. In English
. July 2012
- Radio Nacional de España. Radio 3. (Spain) (Mundo Babel show). Interview. A creative, non-conventional discussion about my work at large, with a focus on Midway. In Spanish
. July 2012.
- Cuatro TV News (Spain) Segment on Midway shown on the evening TV news. In Spanish and English
. June 2012.
- BBVA Innovation Center. Pre-TEDx interview on my work at large and Midway. In Spanish and English
. June 2012.
- Yorokubu Magazine (Spain) On plastic mining and plastic pollution. In Spanish
. June 2012.
- Bostezo Magazine (Spain) (Author) On the psychogeography and metaphors of Midway. In Spanish
. February 2012.
- Yorokobu Magazine (Spain) On being radical, e-waste, plastic pollution and radical entrepreneurship. In Spanish
. October 2011.
- El País (Spain) I’m quoted in an article on the BlueMind Conference about the relationship between our brains and the ocean. In Spanish
. October 2011.
- EOI OpenGreen (Spain) A discussion with Antonio Fontanini on ‘doing well while doing good’ during the SIMO Network conference. In Spanish
. October 2011.
- Voice America Radio (USA) Awakening Value show. Interview by Marti Spiegelman. In English
. September 2011.
- El País Semanal (Spain) (El País Sunday Magazine). I’m featured in an article on Spaniards that are doing cool stuff in Silicon Valley. In Spanish
. September 2011.
- TEDxPlazaCibeles (Spain) Video of my TEDx talk on radical being. In English
. June 2011.
- CBC News (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) Video and article about the plastic industry fighting back in the midst of growing awareness of plastic pollution. Includes interview snippets, quotes. In English
July 2011
- Actualidad EOI (Escuela de Organización Industrial, Spain). Pre-TEDx Video Interview about Radical Entrepreneurship. In English
. June 2011.
- Metropolis Magazine (USA) Feature and interview about plastic pollution. In English
. April 2011.
- Earth Island Journal (USA) Article about bioplastics not being a sustainable solution to plastic pollution. In English
. December 2010.
- El Mundo and ReadWriteWeb (Spain) About BlooSee. In Spanish
. December 2010
- Huffington Post (USA) Article about TEDx Great Pacific Garbage Patch, first TEDx event on plastic pollution organized by us in Santa Monica. In English
. November 2010.
- Cruising World Magazine. (USA) About plastic pollution. In English
. November 2010.
- Antonio Fontanini’s Blog (Spain) About one of my talks and my work. In Spanish
. November 2010
- El País (Spain) About Spanish entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley. In Spanish
.November 2010
- CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) Interview about plastic pollution. In English
. November 2010
- CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) Interview about Midway Journey. In English
. November 2010
- CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) Feature on Plastic pollution. In English
. November 2010
- Pacifica Radio-KPFA (Berkeley, California -and sister stations in Fresno, Los Angeles, New York, Houston, & Washington, DC, USA). Visionary Activist Show with Caroline Casey. Interview and dialogue with Chris Jordan. In English
. August 2010
- SeaVoices (USA) Hard cover book about people who care for the ocean. Two page spread on Plastic Pollution Coalition, Midway Journey and my tall-ship sailing days. In English
. August 2010
- Around the Americas -Crew Log (USA) Interview aboard vessel Ocean Watch during her Around the Americas expedition. In English
. July 2010.
- Faster Times (USA) Feature and interview about the myths of “recycling”. In English
. June 2010
- RTVE Informe Semanal (Spain’s Public TV) On Spanish entrepreneurs / BlooSee. Bilingual
. June 2010
- Think Magazine -Drake University (USA) About plastic pollution and toxicity. In English
. May 2010
- The Ecologist Magazine (United Kingdom) Article and Interview about my work on plastic pollution. In English
. April 2010
- Live Natural –with Doc Heather (USA) Radio interview interview about plastic pollution. In English
. March 2010
- Green 960 Radio (USA) Interview about Midway Journey and plastic pollution. In English
. October 2009